You are here: Employee > Add/Edit Employee

Add/Edit Employee

Adding employees is one of the initial and most important steps in IXM WEB. It consists of the following tabs -

  • IXM Time (This tab will be visible only if IXM Time license is purchased)

Screen Layout of Employee information



The Employee information tab is used to input personal information of employees such as Title, Gender, First Name, Last Name, Birth Date, and Employee ID. Among all these details First Name and Employee ID are mandatory fields. An administrator can input additional information about an employee such as Address – 1, Address – 2, City, State, ZIP Code, Country, Home Phone, Office Phone, Mobile, Company, Location, Branch, Department, Designation, Section, and Email (all are optional fields).

Field Description of Employee information


First Name:

Select the Title of the Employee from the dropdown list. Next, enter the First Name of the Employee.


Last Name:

Enter the Last Name of the Employee.

Employee ID:

While adding a new Employee, the application automatically displays the next sequence number. You can change it but it should be unique.

While editing an Employee, Employee ID can not be changed.

Employee Group:

Select the Group of the Employee from the dropdown list. You can keep it blank, if required.


NOTE Employee Groups are defined from Employee >> Groups section.


Enter the date of birth of the Employee. You can either enter the date in the format mm/dd/yy or click on the calender icon to select the date.


Select the Gender of the Employee from the dropdown list.

You can add, edit or delete a Gender. Click on icon to do so. Following screen will be displayed -


Add/Edit Gender:

To add a new Gender, enter its description in the box.

To edit a Gender, click on the icon next to the respective Gender. The Gender will be displayed in the box. You can now edit the description.

To delete a Gender, click on the icon next to the respective Gender. The application will display a warning message. Click on Delete button to delete the Gender or Cancel button to discard the action.


Once done, click on Save button to save the changes.



Enter the Email address of the Employee.

NOTE If IXM Mobile Module is activated, this email will be used to create the IXM Mobile App account. The username for this account will be the same as the email id you choose and can be changed. Notifications regarding this account will also be sent to this email. For this, email should be configured from System Settings >> System Notifications >> Email Configuration section or else notifications will not be sent.



Enter the Mobile number of the Employee.

Office Phone:

Enter the Office Phone number of the Employee.


Home Phone:

Enter the Home Phone number of the Employee.

Suspend Employee

It denotes whether the Employee is suspended or not.


This feature temporarily revokes the access of an Employee. When a suspended Employee tries to authenticate on the Device, it denies access to such an Employee.


Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. A check mark in the box indicates the feature is enabled. Suspended Employees are indicated by Red color in the list.


It denotes whether the Employee is active or not.


Whenever a new Employee is added, the default status of that Employee will be Active. The status of an Employee can be changed from Active to Inactive when that Employee leaves the organization. As a result, following actions will be performed on that Employee -

  • All Biometric data of that Employee will be deleted from IXM WEB database

  • Employee details will be deleted from the Device and authentication will be denied

Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. A check mark in the box indicates the feature is enabled.


NOTE An Inactive Employee can not be made Active again. In that case you need to add that Employee again.


IXM Health


NOTE This option will be visible only if IXM Health license is purchased.


It denotes whether Health feature should be available for the Employee or not.


Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. A check mark in the box indicates the feature is enabled.


Address 1:

Enter the Address of the Employee.

Address 2:

Enter the remaining Address of the Employee.



Enter the City of the Employee.



Enter the State of the Employee.


Enter the Country of the Employee.


ZIP code:

Enter the Zip code of the Employee.


This section allows to specify the Organization Hierarchy of the Employee. This information can be further used to filter data on various criteria.


Select the Company of the Employee from the dropdown list. You can keep it blank.


NOTE Companies are defined from Company >> Organization Hierarchy >> Company section.



Select the Location of the Employee from the dropdown list. You can keep it blank.


NOTE Locations are defined from Company >> Organization Hierarchy >> Location section.



Select the Branch of the Employee from the dropdown list. You can keep it blank.


NOTE Branches are defined from Company >> Organization Hierarchy >> Branch section.



Select the Department of the Employee from the dropdown list. You can keep it blank.


NOTE Departments are defined from Company >> Organization Hierarchy >> Department section.



Select the Designation of the Employee from the dropdown list. You can keep it blank.


NOTE Designations are defined from Company >> Organization Hierarchy >> Designation section.



Select the Section of the Employee from the dropdown list. You can keep it blank.


NOTE Sections are defined from Company >> Organization Hierarchy >> Section section.


Work Location:

Select the Work Location of the Employee from the dropdown list. You can keep it blank.


NOTE Work Locations are defined from Company >> Organization Hierarchy >> Work Location section.

Once you have entered all the details, click on Savebutton to save details in the IXM WEB database. Upon doing so, IXM WEB will display an "Application Logs" window with a success or failure message.


Click on Save & Continue button to continue to the next section.

Screen Layout of Access Rules



The Access Rules section is used to define the access details of individuals.

Field Description of Access Rules



Access rules:

Access rules are the types of access control methods that can be used with Invixium Devices. Depending on the IXM Device and the model, administrators can assign the following access rules individually or in combination:

  • Biometric access i.e. fingerprints, finger vein, or face recognition

  • Card access i.e. access cards

  • PIN access i.e. a 4-digit code

  • ID access i.e. the Employee ID

Select the Access Rule from the dropdown list. The selected Access Rule will be assigned to the Employee and the Device will authorize Employee based on it.


NOTE Administrators can assign any Access Rule from the ones listed above. However, the Device needs to support the selected Access Rule. For example – if the Employee is assigned “Card + Biometric Strict” and the Device model is FP1 (biometric only); access to the Employee will be denied.
NOTE If Access Rule is specified as “None”, then it will take Device level authorization which is specified in selected Device >> General Settings >> Biometric section.

Access Schedule:

The Employees configured on the Device have the right to access the facility. However, the administrators can control the access of any enrolled Employee to the facility for a specific duration. Administrators can restrict enrolled Employees based on weekends, holidays, day time, night time, etc. The Access Schedule feature has been provided for creating these access windows for different Employees.


IXM Devices are provided with 2 default Access Schedules -

  • No Access

  • Full Access

Select the Access Schedule for the Employee from the dropdown list. The Device will authorize the Employee based on the selected Access Schedule.


NOTE Access Schedule will be applied to the Employee only if Access Schedule is enabled in Device >> Access Control >> Access Schedule section.


NOTE New Access Schedules can be created from Company Schedule >> Access Schedule section.

1:1 Security:

It denotes the security level at the time of verification process.

Select the Security level from the dropdown list. When an Employee tries to get access (using Card/ID); the device will decide based on the security level set.



Invixium recommends keeping it set to “Medium”.


1:N Security:

It denotes the security level at the time of the identification process.

Select the Security level from the dropdown list. When a Employee tries to get access (using Biometric); the device will decide based on the security level set.



Invixium recommends keeping it set to “Medium”.

1:1 Face Security:

It denotes the security level at the time of the face verification process.

Select the Security level from the dropdown list. When a Employee tries to get access (using Card/ID + Face); the device will decide based on the security level set.



Invixium recommends keeping it set to “Medium”.

1:N Face Security:

It denotes the security level at the time of the face identification process.

Select the Security level from the dropdown list. When a Employee tries to get access using face; the device will decide based on the security level set.



Invixium recommends keeping it set to “Medium”.

Threat Level

The Threat level parameter allows the administrator to specify whether the Employee is a VIP employee. A VIP employee can bypass the Threat level restrictions and access rule.


Click on the box to enable or disable the Threat Level. A check mark in the box indicates the Threat Level is enabled for the employee.


If the Threat Level is enabled, the Employee will have to follow the Threat level access rule when a threat is detected.


If the Threat Level is disabled, the Employee will be considered a VIP Employee and does not have to follow any specific access rule during the threat time.



Enable Mask Detection

It denotes whether the mask authentication is required or not for an Employee. Mask settings are configured at two levels in IXM WEB -

  1. on Device level

  2. on Employee level

The mask settings of an Employee supersedes the mask settings of a Device. This allows to enable or disable mask authentication for certain individuals irrespective of Device settings.


If the Mask Detection is enabled for an Employee and Mask Authentication is also enabled on the Device, then the mask authentication becomes compulsory for that Employee. The Device will not allow access until a mask is detected.


If the Mask Detection is disabled for an Employee then the Device will not check for mask even if Mask Authentication is enabled on that Device.


Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. A check mark in the box indicates the feature is enabled.

Mask Detection Rule:


This rule is applicable only when Mask Detection is enabled.


It denotes the action that should be performed when the Mask Detection is enabled but the mask is not detected.


Select the Mask Detection Rule from the dropdown list.


If the Mask Detection Rule is set to "None", the Device Access Rule will be applicable.


If the Mask Detection Rule is set to "Allow on Fail", then the Device will allow access to the Employee even if the mask is not detected.


If the Mask Detection Rule is set to "Deny on Fail", then the Device will deny access to the Employee if the mask is not detected.


Employee Type:

It denotes the type of Employee.


There are two types of Employees, regular user and an administrator.


Select the Type of Employee from the dropdown list. If an Employee requires access to the applications present on the LCD of TITAN, TOUCH 2, TFACE, or MERGE then that Employee needs to be specified as an “Administrator” user.



It denotes the PIN of the Employee.


Enter the PIN of the Employee. This PIN will be used while authorizing the Employee on the Device if a PIN related Access Rule is selected.


Start Date Time:

It denotes the date and time from when the Device will be accessible to the Employee.

Click on the calender icon to select the date and time icon to select the time. After this start date and time, the Device will start authorizing the Employee. If it is set to blank, then the Device will not consider any start date and time for that Employee.


End Date Time:

It denotes the date and time up to when the Device will be accessible to the Employee.


Click on the calender icon to select the date and time icon to select the time. The Device will authorize the Employee till this date and time. Once this date passes, the Device will deny access to the Employee. If it is set to blank, then the Device will not consider any end date and time for that Employee.


Door Open Time

It denotes the time (in seconds) for which the Device will keep the door open after the authorization of an Employee on the device.


Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. A check mark in the box indicates the feature is enabled.


NOTE If the feature is disabled, the Device will consider the door open time that is specified in Individual Device >> Access Control >> Door Open Time section.
If the feature is enabled, it will overwrite the Device level open time and the door will open for a given time after authorization of an Employee on the Device.



Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. A check mark in the box indicates the feature is enabled.


NOTETo enable Anti-Passback feature, it should be enabled from Device >> Access Control >> Anti-Passback section.



If enabled this assigns holiday(s) from the selected Access Schedule to the Employee.

Once you have entered all the details, click on Savebutton to save details in the IXM WEB database. Upon doing so, IXM WEB will display an "Application Logs" window with a success or failure message.


Click on Save & Continue button to continue to the next section.

Screen Layout of Account Details



NOTE This tab will be visible if either IXM Mobile or IXM Time license is purchased. You can request for the IXM Mobile and IXM Time licenses from License >> click on IXM Mobile section or License >> click on IXM Time section respectively.

Field Description of Account Details



T & A Employee


This option will be visible only if IXM Time license is purchased.

It denotes whether Time and Attendance feature should be available for the Employee or not.
Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. A check mark in the box indicates the feature is enabled.

IXM Mobile


This option will be visible only if IXM Mobile Module license is purchased.

Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. Enabling this feature will allow the Employee to authenticate using the IXM Mobile account. To disable IXM Mobile Account for an Employee, keep the box empty. Once, this option is selected, the following options will be displayed on the screen:


Email Notification


This option will be displayed only if IXM Mobile checkbox is selected.

Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. Enabling this option will send an email to the Employee informing them to download IXM Mobile app and the credentials to log in to the app. Keep the box blank if the Employee already has log-in credentials for the app.




This option will be displayed only if Visitor license is purchased.


Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. If this option is enabled, the Employee will be considered as a Host for the visitors. This will allow the Employee to access the Visitor module as a Host and manage visits created by them, and manage visitor profiles.


Host Rights:


This option will be displayed only if Host is enabled.


It denotes whether the Employee is the sole Host or can have co-hosts. Co-Hosts will also be able to access the Visitor module and manage visits created by the Host Employee, and manage visitor profiles.


Select one of the following options from the dropdown list:

Select "Self" if only the Employee should be considered as a Host.

Select "Selected" if other Employee(s) should be considered as co-host along with the Host Employee.

Select "All" if all Employees should be considered as co-hosts along with the Host Employee.


Host Selection:


This option will be displayed only if Host Rights is set to "Selected".

Denotes the co-hosts for the Host Employee.


Select the Employee(s) to be specified as co-host(s) from the dropdown list.


This section allows employees to maintain single credentials to log-in to IXM Mobile app and IXM Time module provided the respective licenses have been purchased.

Login Type:

Denotes the Login Type for the Employee.
IXM WEB allows to create three types of login - Local, Domain, and Azure.
Select either "Local Employee", "Domain Employee", or "Azure Employee" from the dropdown list.

Domain Employee:


This option will be displayed only when Login Type is selected as "Domain Employee".


Click on the checkbox to access a list of Domains and its Users. Select the appropriate Domain and User for the Employee from the dropdown list.


Login ID:

Denotes the Username to log in to IXM Mobile app / IXM Time module.


If the Login Type is selected as "Domain Employee" or "Local Employee",

  • By default, the Login ID will be the same as the email specified on the Employee Information tab. If not listed here, you will need to specify a Login ID in this field.

    NOTE The Login ID must be 5 characters or more. Only alphabets, digits, spaces, and following special characters [. _ \] are allowed.
  • Employees can use this Login ID to log-in to IXM Mobile app. They can also use it to log-in as an "Employee" in IXM Time to track their individual records.

If the Login Type is selected as "Azure",

  • Enter the User Principal Name obtained from Azure Portal.

  • Employees can use this Login ID to log-in to IXM Mobile app. They can also use it to log-in as an "Employee" in IXM Time to track their individual records.



This option will be displayed only when Login Type is selected as "Local Employee".

Enter the Password for the Username.
NOTE The password must be 5 characters or more, include at least 1 letter or number and 1 special character.


SSO Login


This option will be displayed only when Login Type is selected as "Domain Employee".

Denotes whether the credentials can be used as Single Sign-On or not.

Click on the box to enable or disable the feature. A check mark in the box indicates the Employee can use the log-in credential to authenticate with multiple applications and websites.

For queries, please refer our FAQ document...



NOTE This section will be displayed only if IXM Mobile checkbox is selected.


Digital Card


This option will be enabled only if Digital Card license is purchased. You can request for the License from License >> click on Digital Card section.


Click on the box to enable or disable the feature. Enabling this feature will allow the Employee to authenticate using a Digital Card on the IXM Mobile app.


Information related to the Digital Card can be entered through Cards tab.


Face Enrollment


This option will be enabled only if Face Enrollment license is purchased. You can request for the License from License >> click on Face Enrollment section.


Click on the box to enable or disable the feature. Enabling this feature will allow the Employee to authenticate using their Face on the IXM Mobile app. It is a very useful feature that allows Employees to enroll their face on the app at their convenience. Once face enrollment is done, Employee can authenticate using face on the Device.


Set as Profile Image


This option will be enabled only when Face Enrollment checkbox is selected.


Click on the box to enable or disable the feature. Enabling this feature will automatically set the profile image of the Employee to the image taken during face enrollment.


Dynamic QR Card

Click on the box to enable or disable the feature. Enabling this feature will allow the Employee to authenticate using a Dynamic QR Card on the IXM Mobile app.



Information related to the Dynamic QR Card can be entered through Cards tab.


Attestation Questions


This option will be displayed only if IXM Health is enabled from "Employee Information" tab.

Attestation questions are digital versions of a customized set of questions that organizations ask their employees and visitors before granting them access during the ongoing pandemic. Organizations can benefit from this by:
  • Increasing their footprint in a paperless world

  • Customizing multilingual questions and answers on-the-go

  • Controlling access based on individual answers

Click on the box to enable or disable the feature. Enabling this feature will allow the Employee to provide answers to the Attestation Questions on the IXM Mobile app. For this, the Attestation Questions and their answers should be first defined and transferred to device(s) from IXM Health >> Settings >> Attestation Questions Settings section. Once that is done, they should be enabled on device(s) from Devices >> General Settings >> Attestation Questions section.


Once you have entered all the details, click on Save button to save details in the IXM WEB database. Upon doing so, IXM WEB will display an "Application Logs" window with a success or failure message.


NOTE If IXM Mobile >> Email Notification checkbox is checked, an automatic email as shown below will be sent to the employee on the email configured in Employee Information tab. Employees need to download the IXM Mobile App from the Google Play Store or App Store.


Click on Save & Continue button to continue to the next section.

Screen Layout of Biometric data



The Biometric Data section is used to capture the biometrics information of Employees.

Field Description of Biometric data


Select Device:

Select the Device on which enrollment has to be done from the dropdown list.


NOTE Enrollment can not continue unless a Device is selected.


Next, click on the type of enrollment that has to be done: Fingerprints, Finger Veins, Face or Cards. Apart from these, you can also enroll Employees by using a USB Desktop Sensor.


Screen Layout of Cards



The Cards section is used to capture the access card information of Employees.

Field Description of Cards



Screen Layout of IXM Time




  • This tab will be visible only if IXM Time license is purchased. You can request License from License >> click on IXM Time icon.

  • This tab will be enabled only when T & A Employee option is selected in Account Details tab.


The IXM Time section is used to define attendance-related settings for individuals.

Field Description of IXM Time




Select and assign a Schedule to the Employee. The week off and pattern of shift will be defined based on the assigned schedule.

NOTE A Schedule can be created from IXM TIME >> Shift Settings >> Schedule section.


Start Shift:

Select and assign a Shift to the Employee. Based on the assigned shift and policies, attendance will be defined.


NOTE Shifts be created from IXM TIME >> Shift Settings >> Shift section.


Holiday Group:

Select and assign a Holiday Group to the Employee. A holiday will be considered based on created holidays in selected groups.


NOTE Holiday Groups can be created from Company schedule >> Holiday Schedule section.


Leave Group:

Select and assign Leave Group to the Employee. Applicable leave type will be decided based on the Leave Group.


Joining Date:

Enter the Joining Date of the Employee. You can either enter the date or click on the calender icon to select the date.


Confirmation Date:

Enter the Confirmation Date of the Employee. You can either enter the date or click on the calender icon to select the date.


Attendance Policy:

Select and assign an Attendance Policy for the Employee. By default, “Default Policy” is assigned to the Employee. Attendance of the day and leave transaction period are defined based on the assigned Attendance Policy and Shift.


NOTE Attendance Policy can be created from IXM Time >> Policies >> Attendance section.


Late-IN Policy:

Select and assign a Late-In Policy for the Employee. By default, “Default Policy” is assigned to the Employee. Late In time and duration are defined based on the assigned Late In Policy and Shift.


NOTE Late In Policies can be created from IXM Time >> Policies >> Late IN section.


Entry-OUT Policy:

Select and assign an Early-Out Policy for the Employee. By default, “Default Policy” is assigned to the Employee. Early Out time and duration are defined based on the assigned Early Out Policy.


NOTE Early Out Policies can be created from IXM Time >> Policies >> Early OUT section.


Overtime Policy:

Select and assign an Overtime Policy for the Employee. By default, “Default Policy” is assigned to the Employee. The overtime of an individual will be calculated based on the assigned Overtime Policies.


NOTE Overtime Policies can be created from IXM Time >> Policies >> Overtime Policy section.


Employee Wages:

Select whether the Employee's wages are to be considered as "Salaried" or as "Hourly" by selecting from the dropdown list.


Shift Based Access

Denotes whether or not the Employee has access to the Device on the basis of Shift.

Click on the checkbox to enable or disable the feature. A check mark in the box indicates the Employee will get access to the Device based on allotted Shifts.

Reporting Group:

Select the appropriate Reporting Group of the Employee from the dropdown list.


It allows the individual's reporting group manager to view Employee's attendance, approve or reject attendance corrections, leave, and overtime for employees working under him / her.


NOTE Reporting Groups can be created from IXM Time >> Reporting Structure >> Reporting Group section.

Once you have entered all the details, click on Savebutton to save details in the IXM WEB database. Upon doing so, IXM WEB will display a success or failure message.

Click on Save & Continue button to continue to the next section.

Screen Layout of Summary


Field Description of Summary

General information about the new Employee will be displayed here.


Click on Add New button to add another Employee or click on Done button to complete the process and IXM WEB will display an "Application Logs" window with success or failure message as follows -


Click on X icon on the top right corner of the screen to close it.


On successful completion, the new Employee will be added and displayed in the Employee List.